Feeling Stuck? Here are 4 Ways to Create Change Easily + Effectively

Are you looking to make a change or create something new in your life right now? Change can be incredibly exciting and beautiful, but it can also be nerve-racking and stressful. Much like the human experience. 

Perhaps you find yourself frustrated with your lack of progress or ability to stick to the changes you’ve implemented, even though those changes are what is needed to reach your goals. 

Maybe you’ve thought, “if I just had more motivation…” But motivation is short-lived and often leads to burnout and self-criticism.

Let’s unpack why this happens and uncover ways to create the change you desire…

4 Ways to Create Change Easily + Effectively:

1. Check to See if There are Competing Desires at Play

When someone is showing up with strategy and consistency but not creating change, there is often an unconscious block.

I have a continual desire to curate a life for myself that is “fun and light”. But my desire is continually blocked by a subconscious programming that says “I have to work hard”. So when I try to make things fun and light, I actually feel uneasy instead. 

So what can you do to move past the blocks that stand between you and your goal? 

First, try to “own the opposite”. Using the above example, I would acknowledge that "I am committed to stress + chaos.."

Then get curious and explore these questions:

  • Where or when was this programming picked up?

  • What do you fear would happen if you got the goal?

  • What do you fear would happen if it were fun and light? 

2. You Need to Want It More Than You Fear It

When people have an unconscious fear that stops them from powerfully stepping into their goal, they unconsciously self-sabotage by projecting fear into the future.

So what can you do? First, bring awareness to the fear and then shift your focus to how amazing the reward will be for achieving the goal. Since our minds don't know the difference between fantasy and reality, we can use visualization to help relieve the fear-based subconscious mind.

3. Check If Your Goals Are Unaligned

When the goals of WHAT WE WANT & WHAT WE VALUE are in alignment, we can more easily take action. But when they don’t match up, we struggle with overcoming challenges that will inevitably come up along the way.

Ex: One of my top values is connection. I am much more likely to act on a goal if doing so creates connections. So when I wasn’t able to achieve my goal of going to the gym 4 days a week, I tried group classes instead and it was no longer a struggle to get there. 

So what can you do? First, make a list of your top 5 values. Then check to see if your values align with your goals. Where they don’t align, tweak the goal to fit the value and not the other way around.

4. There Hasn’t Been a Big Enough Insight or Shift Yet

Once you get the lesson, it’s easier to change the situation. Change happens ironically when we accept something as it is.

Ex: I recently made an irreversible decision that I now regret. At the time I heard my intuition objecting to the decision, but I pushed it away out of fear of being labeled as difficult. Initially I got down on myself for making such a poor choice that I now deeply regret, but I turned it around and used it as a lesson to always listen to my intuition even in the face of criticism and conflict. It’s been a liberating lesson rather than an indictment against my ability to make wise choices. 

So what can you do? If you keep recreating something that you’ve tried to change, but can’t, ask yourself:

  • Is there a lesson here for me to learn in going through this again?

  • What’s the hidden gift for me in this experience I’m trying to change?

One more thing...

You are amazing and everything you need already lives inside of you…




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