5 Holistic Ways to Minimize Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. However, prolonged periods of distress can lead to more severe disorders such as major depression and generalized anxiety. But when we take intentional action to relieve and manage stress in healthy ways we can live happy and peaceful lives even amidst the unavoidable stressors that impact us on a daily basis. 

Learn how to manage stress using the following tips:

1. Create A Predictable Routine

You might be surprised to learn that most stress is caused by the unpredictability of an event, rather than the event itself. Therefore, having a daily routine for both your work and personal life can significantly reduce stress.  

Some Ideas:

  • Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day

  • Eat 3 meals at the same time each day 

  • End your workday at the same time each day

  • Plan projects, tasks, hobbies, social activities etc to fall on the same day each week 

  • Clearly communicate expectations to others to reduce surprises

2. Flow With Situations You Can’t Change

When the unexpected does occur, try not to resist or control the uncontrollable. This will just compound the stress you’re already experiencing. 

Instead try to: 

  • Notice and name how you feel

  • Compassionately tell the feeling that it is okay and understandable that it's there 

  • Take long, deep inhales and exhales to increase the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming the body in periods of stress 

  • Visualize a calm and peaceful situation, incorporating all five senses as you visualize

  • Imagine the stress as a wave that is washing over you

3. Express Yourself

When the body registers the physical sensation of stress it is a sign that too much stress has built up and needs to be released. 

Release stress by: 

  • Talking to a therapist, trusted friend, mentor or family member

  • Physically moving. Go for a walk, dance, punch a pillow, lift weights

  • Crying, yelling, moaning…

4. Plan Daily Relaxation

This can be easier said that done, but when you practice intentional relaxation everyday it can not only reduce overall stress but increase your resiliency against future stressors. 

Some Ideas: 

  • Meditating

  • Listening to music

  • Taking a bath

  • Drawing

  • Journaling

  • Lighting a candle

  • Savoring something delicious

  • Snuggling with a pet

5. Be Single Minded 

Our performance driven society rewards those that can juggle multiple tasks at once. However, doing more than one thing at a time significantly increases stress. Conversely, when we fully absorb ourselves in one thing at a time, joy also significantly increases! 


Need our help reducing your stress and resetting your nervous system? Join the 10 Day Challenge! 

  1. Go to www.thesensualalchemist.com

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page 

  3. Sign up for the 10 Day Challenge 

  4. Each day you will receive an email reminding you to listen to a 30 min meditation curated to Release Stress and Optimize Mood, Energy & Intuition. 


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